Graham Foundation announces 2024 organizational grantee recipients

Graham Foundation has again announced its 2024 grants to organizations around the world pursuing projects including public presentations, exhibitions, and other publications. This year, the foundation awarded $390,000 to 33 selected projects. Engaging in creative discourse surrounding contemporary architecture, these selected projects extend the Graham Foundation’s ongoing mission: to foster dialogue and creative pursuits that consider the role of architecture in the arts, culture, and society. Since its founding in 1956, by a prominent Chicago architect, Ernest R. Graham, the Graham Foundation has realized its vision by supporting the development of over 5,100 organizations and individual projects with over $44 million in project-based grants. Artists and organizations hail from cities as far flung as Johannesburg and Cape Town, to U.S. cities such as Pittsburgh; New Orleans, Nashville, and closer to home Chicago, where the Graham Foundation is based.

Paul Rudolph building model from exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Paul Rudolph, “Model for the Graphic Arts Building (detail),” ca. 1965. Courtesy The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Photo: Eileen Travell. From the 2024 grant to The Metropolitan Museum of Art for the exhibition Materialized Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph

As in past iterations, the Graham Foundation has dolled out funding to publications, exhibitions, and film, video and media installations. Many of the organizations receiving grant money offer architecture-centered public programs and media-related projects focused on the built environment. The forthcoming exhibition opening at The Metropolitan Museum of Art later this fall, Materialized Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph, will receive funding from the Graham Foundation. Disability Meets Architecture: A Translational Repository for Critical Accessible Practice, a multimedia installation by The DisOrdinary Architecture Project in The Critical Design Lab at Vanderbilt University is a publication benefiting from the grant money.

Borderless Studio's "Kohn School in Roseland," Chicago receiving grant from the 2024 Graham Foundation grants.
Borderless Studio, “Kohn School in Roseland,” Chicago, 2023. Digital photograph. Photo: David Schalliol. From the 2024 grant to Borderless Studio and MAS Context for the publication Beyond Closure: Reimagining Possibilities for Chicago’s Closed Schools

Among the list of publications is Borderless Studio and MAS Context’s published work, Beyond Closure: Reimagining Possibilities for Chicago’s Closed Schools. Additionally, inside the classroom, published works from school journals at Rice University, Syracuse University, UCLA, UIC, and University of Witwatersrand will also be receiving funding from the Graham Foundation.

The full list of the Graham Foundation’s 2024 organizational grantees can be found below, and additional descriptions about each recipient can be found here.


a83 (New York)
a83 Exhibition Program, 2024–25

The Architectural League of New York (New York)
Living Legend: Cross Bronx

Carnegie Museum of Art—Heinz Architectural Center (Pittsburgh)
Tatiana Bilbao Estudio: City of Rooms

Center for Architecture (New York)
Fantasizing Design: Phyllis Birkby Builds Lesbian Feminist Architecture

Citygroup (New York)
Citygroup Exhibition and Debate Program, 2025

Craft Contemporary (Los Angeles)
Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design’

Model from the exhibition "Andrea Blum: BIOTA" that received grant from the 2024 Graham Foundation grants.
Andrea Blum, “Babel,” 2008. Courtesy the artist and In Situ/Fabienne LeClerc, Paris. From the 2024 grant to Hunter College Art Galleries for the exhibition Andrea Blum: BIOTA

Hunter College Art Galleries (New York)
Andrea Blum: BIOTA

LIGA—Space for Architecture (Mexico City)
LIGA Exhibition Program, 2025

The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
Materialized Space: The Architecture of Paul Rudolph

Prospect New Orleans (New Orleans)
Prospect.6: The Future Is Present, The Harbinger Is Home

Photograph from the exhibition "Swamplands" receiving grant from the 2024 Graham Foundation grants.
Yvonne Venegas, “Mangroves of Río Lagartos in Yucatán, Mexico,” Swamp Summit, 2024. Courtesy Storefront for Art and Architecture. From the 2024 grant to Storefront for Art and Architecture for the exhibition Swamplands

Storefront for Art and Architecture (New York)

Swiss Institute (New York)

Film, Video, and New Media Projects

Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montreal)
Groundwork: A Film Series on Alternative Modes of Engagement in Architecture

Critical Design Lab (Vanderbilt University) and The DisOrdinary Architecture Project (Nashville)
Disability Meets Architecture: A Translational Repository for Critical Accessible Practice

Innovando la Tradición (Oaxaca, Mexico)
LEOPOLDO. Living Treasures Series

City College of New York—J. Max Bond Center for Urban Futures (New York)
ARCH at Sixty: Bridging Past Visions with Present Realities

di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art and California Indian Museum and Cultural Center (Napa, California)
Towards an Archaeology of the Future

The Funambulist (Paris)
The Funambulist Conversations

Lampo (Chicago)
Lampo Concert Series at the Graham Foundation

The World Around (New York)
The World Around Summit 2025


Borderless Studio and MAS Context (Chicago and San Antonio)
Beyond Closure: Reimagining Possibilities for Chicago’s Closed Schools

Boulouki Itinerant Workshop (Athens, Greece)
Under the Landscape: Disciplinary Convergences and Emerging Alliances of Worlding

Brazilian Institute of Architects—Sao Paulo Department (Brasília, Brazil)

Chimurenga (Cape Town, South Africa)
African Mobilities – A Library of Circulations

Deem Journal (Los Angeles and New York)
Deem Journal, Issue 6: Inventing the Institution

INSITE (San Diego)
INSITE Journal_07: A Timeless Way to Build

The Jewish Museum (New York)
Frederick Kiesler: Vision Machines

Rice University—School of Architecture (Houston)

Syracuse University—School of Architecture (Syracuse, New York)
Ethical Narratives: Essays by Richard Ingersoll (1949–2021)

University of California, Los Angeles—Department of Architecture and Urban Design (Los Angeles)
POOL, Issue No. 10

University of Illinois at Chicago—School of Architecture (Chicago)
Pollen – The UIC/SoArch Journal #2

University of the Witwatersrand—School of Arts (Johannesburg)
ellipses [spatial praxis]: Critical Perspectives in Publishing Creative Research

Urban Design Forum and The Architectural League of New York (New York)
New City Critics

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