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Where 10 First-Time ‘McSweeney’s Quarterly’ Contributors Write


In June 2023, McSweeney’s Quarterly put out a call for new work by never-before-published writers; within a month, the magazine had received thousands of submissions. For the 75th issue of McSweeney’s, guest editor (and longtime former editor) Eli Horowitz picked out 10 of the best stories to come from that call. And get this—each story will be published as an individual booklet and collected in a dossier-style case. To celebrate the release of this unique issue, we asked its contributors to share their favorite places to write.


Stephanie Skaff
Brooklyn, NY

Stephanie Skaff DeskPhoto scaled

I write at a desk in my Brooklyn apartment from 4am-7am before my son wakes up. It feels private, almost sneaky to tiptoe here in the early morning dark, and while I fantasize about having a very clean desk, I’m usually shuffling papers and books around to make room for my coffee.


Sam Davis
Los Angeles, CA

Sam Davis scaled

My favorite place to write is a moving target. It is a naturally lit room where I can be alone for a controlled duration and with snacks.


Chii Ọganihu
Southern Nigeria

Chii Oganihu

Most of my writing is currently done in bed or, less frequently, phone-in-hand while standing by the kitchen stove because I’m largely itinerant at the moment. But there’s a place I often return to in my head, one of the rare places where I’m “in the zone”; it used to be a dense woodland called Udughudughu, located in my ancestral hometown in Imo State, Nigeria; when you’re there, it feels like you’re the only one in the world — but for the birds and hares and ancient trees — and every awesome horrorful tale you ever heard feels just a little bit truer, a little bit likelier here.


Sam Krowchenko
Ann Arbor, MI

Sam Krowchenko scaled

My favorite writing spot keeps changing, depending on how well I’ve been working there. Lately, I’ve liked the dining room table, from which I can stare at my backyard in between sentences.


Will Lowder
Houston, TX

Will Lowder scaled

The desk and the lamps and the chair are my landlord’s, but the clutter I cherish — the assortment of books, the Expo markers I use to write on the window, and the Donna Deitch’s Desert Hearts DVD — mine. Of course I tidied the papers.


Brittany Price
Durham, NC

Brittany Price scaled

My favorite place to write is on my couch, in my living room, with music on, flowers around, and incense going. I like to read what I’ve written aloud to see how it feels and sounds, and my cat likes to listen.


Celine Ipek
Brooklyn, NY

Celine Ipek writing spot scaled

 I do most of my writing out in the world, and Prospect Park is my favorite place. I take long walks and imagine pieces of my stories before sitting with my notebook.


Isabelle Fang
Toronto, Canada / Taipei, Taiwan

Isabelle Fang

Between two subway stops in Taipei, Zhongshan (中山) and Shuanglian (雙連), there’s this small cluster of everything — bookstores, car parts, salons, tattoo studios, radio stores, thrift stores, street food. Made up of small alleys, new and old architecture, it’s great for wandering.


Maya Sisneros
Bay Area, CA

Maya Sisneros scaled

My desks and writing corners change and repurpose, but my favorite places to write have a view of an oak tree.


Hrannar Bjönsson
Brooklyn, NY

Hrannar Bjornsson scaled

My favorite place to write these days is the Greenpoint branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. It’s a beautiful building with wonderful staff, and, like all other libraries, it should receive a billion dollars in funding every year.


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