Brett Reddell: The power of self-belief

Brett Reddell was only able to take his business to the next level when he finally started believing in his own abilities.

Mr Reddell started his career selling acreage on the Gold Coast under a franchise, but always felt he was capable of more.

“I didn’t believe in who I was, I didn’t believe in myself and my abilities,” Mr Reddell said.

“That was my biggest thing.

He said that when he looks back, his life would have been completely different if he had just believed in himself all those years ago when he was getting started.

In 2020, at the peak of Covid, Mr Reddell ultimately made the move to Area Specialist and while the timing wasn’t perfect, it’s been life-changing.

Since that time, he’s seen his business more than quadruple and he couldn’t be happier.

“When you’re sitting in an office, they’re supplying an income to you, which is really nothing at the end of the day,” Mr Reddell said.

“But when you stop getting that money and you actually go out there and get into it and actually make it work, you realise what you missed out on.

“That becomes a regret.”

Mr Reddell operates in Ormeau Hills on the Gold Coast and has a team of four other licensed agents, and said one of the reasons he succeeded in the industry is because he genuinely cares about the people he’s working with.

“For me, it’s about family,” he said.

“Selling family homes to families, it’s just a bit of a catch cry for me. 

“But also putting people first.

“At the end of the day, we all get paid to do a job, so we’ve got to be mindful of that, but you’ve got to do the right thing by people.”

Ormeau Hills is a family area and he loves helping families with their most important asset.

“We’ve gone from a forgotten-about suburb to a median price of around $820,000,” he said.

“The area is very family-focused, with a little bit of an ageing population that is sort of moving through with new young couples coming through who are going to be families in the future.”

Mr Reddell has had a decorated career since he began with Area Specialist, winning the Pinnacle Tier award in 2022 and 2023, MVP in 2021 and the Customer Service award in 2023. 

He also recently won the 2024 Agent of the Year in Ormeau Hills from Rate My Agent.

He is passionate about supporting a range of different groups on the Gold Coast as well including a national police team called Night Sticks Hockey Club and the All Stars Hockey Club.

Along with a Not-For-Profit charity located in Ormeau Hills, that helps disengaged youth called Everything Suarve.

With this focus on always doing the best for his clients, Mr Reddell found that working under the old franchise model didn’t fit with who he was.

He said that he didn’t like being forced to sell and hit certain sales targets that didn’t align with his goals.

“At the end of the day, you’ve got to work under their branding,” he said.

“At Area Specialist, I get to be myself and express who I want to be and operate my way, with a good corporate brand that I can put in front of me.”

He said at a franchise you can struggle because everyone’s overlapping each other. 

“Now, I have my own business that I create and control my own future. 

“I’m not sharing my hard work with owners.”

Mr Reddell said Area Specialist also really looks after its people.

“I’ve become a lot happier in what I was doing,” he said.

“The support that they offer is phenomenal, the network of people we have in the back end, whether it’s admin or sales support is amazing. 

“They take away such a large part of what we do to really assist us in being better performers, and they give me more time to spend with my clients.”

He said the best part about Area Specialist is that it puts money back in the pockets of people who are out there doing the work.

“It’s changed my life,” he said.

He said the model is great but it suits a certain type of person.

“It’s a great model and Michael (Choi) has definitely created a very unique business model for performers,” he said.

“That’s what it comes down to.

“It’s not for everybody.  

“If you can’t be self-motivated and you don’t have the ability to do your paperwork and list and sell and know how the processes work, it’s definitely not for you.”

“It is definitely for a unique group of people.”

Area Specialist is a real estate platform for top-performing agents, providing the systems, tools and technology they need to create, grow and power their business. For more information visit

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